

Colours: Blue and Coral


Made from the softest velour and plush filling, the mischievous BOOKWORM is sure to give big smile-filled surprises to young readers! To operate, place your BOOKWORM flat in a book, then close the book leaving the head and tail showing out both ends. Pull the BOOKWORM’S head upwards slowly until the fat tail stops it going any further, and let the head drop down the back of the book. To surprise … pull the tail down sharply to make the BOOKWORM head appear out of the top of the book!

Size:     49cm / 19 ¼”

All prices are in Australian $ GST inclusive.

Suitable for ages 3+

This loveable creature from the OTHERWORLDS also comes with its very own unique “Story Card” featuring this tale …


Every morning, every trapdoor in every LOST FOREST is closed and locked to protect the animals and creatures that live below in the OTHERWORLDS.

But . . . because they can flatten themselves, the BOOKWORMS from the OTHERWORLDS often “slip up” into the THE LOST FORESTS and head straight for the books.

If they just took bites out of the books it would be easy to see where they were . . . but they don’t! They slide in between the pages and lick the letters off the paper.

Unfortunately . . . if you remove certain letters from certain words . . . you can end up with some very naughty words!

The only way to get a BOOKWORM out of a book is to squeeze its tail. It hates this, and soon its head will jump out of the top of the book. Grab it by the neck and pull it out. We iron the ones we catch even flatter still and use them as bookmarks!

Life’s tough in THE LOST FOREST!

Additional information

Weight .026 kg

Blue, Coral