Ikarus – The Flying Drop Bear


3 in stock


Like all our toys, our soft furry Ikarus the Flying Drop Bear is based on the real ones living below the Trapdoor in our store! They have large flappable wings that are connected to nylon lines and an elastic cord, so that when you suspend your IKARUS THE FLYING DROP BEAR from the ceiling and pull the toy down gently it will bob up and down flapping its wings!

When in the outback smear vegemite on yourself and the Drop Bears wont attack you!!!

Size:     Nose to Tail: 36cm / Wing Span:  54cm

Colours: Grey fur with white fur trim

Handmade in The Lost Forests

All prices are in Australian $ GST inclusive.

Suitable for ages 3+


Additional information

Weight .475 kg
Fur Type

Short Fur, Long Fur